The JSP Community: Erickson Plumbing, Heating, Air, Electrical

August 8th, 2014
By Jason Parr

We love working with Erickson; their team is reliable and has the kind of community vibe that we love to celebrate around the JSP office. Zach Erickson took some time out of his busy summer schedule to answer a few questions about his business, helpful tips for homeowners, and summer fun.

Tell us about your business: what do you do and how long have you been doing it?

We provide plumbing, heating and electrical service and installation to single family homes to large apartment buildings and commercial as well.  Simple service calls and repairs to large equipment replacement, remodels and the like.  We have been in business for 30 years.

What do you love about your job?

Honestly, the best part about my job is when I get to hear the positive feedback and sheer appreciation from a customer who we have helped out of a bad situation.  If we can make a repair and save someone hundreds or thousands of dollars where another company might try to make a large sale out of the situation, it is satisfying to me.

What is it like around the Erickson’s office? How is everyone taking advantage of summer? 

It’s generally pretty busy around the office.  We have 6 full time office staff members including myself.  Some of us spend time at cabins, others are enjoying time with their kids, coaching softball.  Just spending time outdoors with friends and family in general!

If you could give a few pieces of advice to home owners or renters what would they be?

Preventative maintenance can be a really helpful service on heating and cooling equipment.  It helps prolong the life of the equipment and keeps it operating at higher efficiency than if left without regular maintenance.  If a home was built pre 1960s and some after, chances are there are some issues with wiring and plumbing lines.  Most people seem to know that, but replacing or repairing those problem areas can make a world of difference for these people.

One that most people probably know but may not, is that getting a programmable setback thermostat can help out a lot with heating and cooling bills.  Putting it on a program to stay a few degrees cooler or higher depending on the season while you might be at work or away can save money every month which adds up to a good amount over time.

Check out Zach at work and get in contact with the team here.

Erickson 1 Erickson 2 Erickson 3

Categorized in: Community, Maintenance/Household

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